
Meet the Hearts Behind 4thisreason

We believe in the transformative power of love and the strength found in unity. With 24 years of marriage under our belt and a deep-rooted passion for strengthening relationships, we’re honored to guide couples on their journey towards a thriving and fulfilling marriage.

We are Vuka & Perkins, a devoted couple committed to serving others through the wisdom and experience we’ve gained in our own marriage journey. Rooted in our faith, we’ve dedicated our lives to helping couples build strong foundations for their marriages, ensuring they stand the test of time.


Do not wait for your partner to change, instead, take responsibility for your behavior and choices. Start integrating what you learn into your relationship.

Our team can provide tools, guidance, support, encouragement, and strategies but only the couple can put it into action outside of sessions.

Our Experience

Having walked through both the joys and challenges of marriage ourselves, we understand firsthand the importance of investing in a relationship. With a combined experience of over two decades, we’ve witnessed the transformation that occurs when couples prioritize their connection and commit to growth together.

our journey

our expertise

Certified Facilitators.

As certified SYMBIS (Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts) facilitators and Prepare/Enrich facilitators, we bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our counseling and coaching sessions. Our training equips us to address a wide range of topics, from communication and conflict resolution to intimacy and spiritual alignment.

Ministry Involvement

Our involvement in ministry has further fueled our passion for guiding couples towards God-centered relationships. We believe that a strong marriage not only enriches the lives of the individuals involved but also serves as a powerful testimony of God’s love and faithfulness.

What We Offer

Through our premarital counseling and marriage coaching services, we provide couples with practical tools, biblical insights, and personalized guidance to navigate the complexities of marriage. Whether you’re preparing for a lifetime together or seeking to strengthen your relationship, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Do not wait for your partner to change, instead, take responsibility for your behavior and choices. Start integrating what you learn into your relationship.

Our team can provide tools, guidance, support, encouragement, and strategies but only the couple can put it into action outside of sessions.

It takes wisdom to have a great marriage, understanding to make it strong and knowledge to fill it with rare and beautiful treasures.



Build by wisdom



Establish by understanding



Fill by knowledge

Join Us on the Journey:

If you’re ready to invest in the future of your relationship, we invite you to embark on this journey with us. Together, we’ll cultivate a marriage built on love, trust, and unwavering commitment—a marriage that reflects the beauty of God’s design.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards building a marriage that lasts a lifetime. We look forward to walking alongside you on this transformative journey!


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